सादर जयजिनेंद्र सा
Announcement of MEET-4-CHANGE
Date: 16-July-2023 Sunday PUNE
Eligible Participants
Only Unmarried-Birthyear-1989 to 1999
Event Organiser:
Jain Mangalam Biodata Group
Event Highlights
->No Stage
->No Introduction
->No Interview
->No Public Audience
->No Satkar
->No Public Speech
Detailed Profile will be available on the website
to Only Selected Participants before 48 Hrs
MEETING STEP-1 (Your Choice List)
Direct-One-to-One Meeting with Candidates, which you have selected from Participants list
MEETING STEP-2 (Meet with Choice List)
First Half: Candidate-to-Candidates meet
selected from Step-1
MEETING STEP-3 (Parents meet with Your Accepted List)
Second Half: Both Side Parents and Candidates meet
with accepted profiles from Step-2
Online Application Process
First Click on Guide Button and Read Instructions to fill the information carefully
1. Register on the website (Do two Page regd in one shot)
2. Send Biodata, Photo and Candidates ID Proof for Profile Approval to jainbiobank@gmail.com
3. If already registered or Partly registered, Login on the website and fill the information and do as per point no.2
4.If already Registered and Profile is approved then
Login -> Click on Meet-4-Change Button -> Click Yes -> Click OK -> Logout
सभी को अपनी-अपनी जानकारी पुर्ण भरना जरुरी है,
तभी आप अन्य उम्मीदवारों के बायोडाटा देख पायेंगे
एक ही दम में दो पेज का रजिस्टेशन पुर्ण करना जरुरी है जो कि मात्र पांच मिनट के अंदर पुरा हो जाता है
जिन्होने वेबसाइट पर पहले रजिस्टेशन किया है और जानकारी अधुरी भरी है वह login करे और जानकारी पुरी भरे
यदि पहले जानकारी पुरी भरी हो तो login करे और स्क्रीन पर आया हुआ मेसेज पढें
केंद्रीय जैन बायोडाटा मंच
(Centralized Platform for Jain Biodata/Groups)
यह मेसेज आगे सभी जैन समाज बंधुओ को भेजे सा
Plz contact for any technical error or query by email, mentioning your Profile ID